All of our calendars combined into one for easy viewing
Athlos is pleased to offer “Beyond the Bell,” a low-cost before and after school program.
Recognizing the need for school support for families and students, school doors will open at 6:30 a.m. and the school will remain open for participating students until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on days when school is in session.
After school, students will go to the cafeteria for a snack, followed by physical activity and supervised homework support each day. In addition, enrichment classes will be offered by teachers on specific days. Enrichment class schedules will be made available at our annual back to school night. Students may participate in large-group homework support or in smaller enrichment classes as they become available.
Registration information will be sent to all enrolled parents before school begins.
To register a student in Beyond the Bell, please register
After a student is enrolled, families & guardians will receive invoices through the ProCare app on the 1st of every month and payment will be due on the 15th (of every month). Payments can be taken over the ProCare app or by cash or check and turned into the office.
Please contact our front office if you have questions about registration or payment options. If parents need to notify the school of a schedule change, sign students up for occasional participation 24 hours in advance, etc. they may email:
After a student is enrolled, families & guardians will receive invoices through the ProCare app on the 1st of every month and payment will be due on the 15th (of every month). Payments can be taken over the ProCare app or by cash or check and turned into the office.
Yes, $75 per month for only AM, $150 for only PM, $225 for both.
No, we will need to have two separate payments due to keeping record for receipts.
We will offer a small, healthy snack – one or two items after school
This is to be determined.
We will not be able to accept payments through Workforce Services. This program is a service to the community that we are offering to families. It has not gone through the formal approval process that is necessary to accept Workforce Services or other formalized programs.
Each child may enter the building between 6:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. at the rear entrance (third-fourth grade hall) Each child may enter the cafeteria and sit at supervised study tables where s/he may do school work, draw or rest until excused to go to class. Breakfast will be available beginning at 7:30 a.m.
Each child will exit the building at dismissal to the rear playground and remain there until Driveline is finished. Each student will enter the building at the rear entrance from the playground. Students will have the opportunity for a snack in the cafeteria and the opportunity to sit at supervised study tables where s/he may study, draw or rest until parents arrive. Enrichment classes will be available each day. (Art, Music, Journalism and others). Each student may attend the enrichment course and then return to the study tables until dismissed.
Parents must enter the building and ask for the individual at the front desk to call the child to the office. The child will be checked out to the parent or designee.