Athlos Academy of Utah is raising funds for those who are most in need at Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish. Please join us in contributing to the Hurricane Ida Fund for staff and families of Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish.
Athlos Academy of Utah is part of a network of tuition-free public charter schools nationwide serving students with a unique model that balances prepared mind, healthy body and performance character. Our sister school in Jefferson Parish, LA, was significantly impacted by Hurricane Ida. The good news is the building fared well and damage will be mitigated and repaired. However, many staff and students lost their homes and belongings and will be impacted indefinitely.
Please join us in contributing to the Hurricane Ida Fund for staff and families of Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish. Thank you!
Go Fund Me link:
Fundraising Incentives:
- $1,000 =Dress Down Day
- $2,000 = Extra Recess
- $3,000 = Movie & Snack (Class Party)
- $4,00 = Principals Get Pied
- $5,000 = Principals Sleep on the Roof