All of our calendars combined into one for easy viewing
The Prepared Mind Pillar is centered on academic programs that will prime students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills they need to excel.
The Healthy Body Pillar allows students of all athletic abilities to participate in professionally developed, age-appropriate fitness curriculum.
The Performance Character Pillar is the foundation of school culture and promotes 12 key character traits.
Families who are receiving Special Education Services will receive a parent engagement survey electronically via email. Check your inbox for an email from the USBE with the subject line: USBE Parent Survey. Your responses will help guide efforts to improve services and results for children and families.
Join us at Athlos Academy from 7-8 a.m. for our FREE Breakfast & Buddies event. Everyone is welcome to come - Grandparents, parents, any adult buddies! It's a fun time to get to have breakfast with your students and loved ones, can't wait to see you there!
Go to the Sports club page to learn more and register now!