Monday, May 15 – Thursday, June 1
This annual end-of-year celebration highlights our Performance Character traits with special themes and activities that unite our Griffins and help us celebrate the school year.
May 15: Creativity
- Griffin Days Kick Off: Talent Show
May 16: Courage
- Spring Music Concert
- Class posters “If you could do anything without failing, what would you do?”
May 17: Optimism
- Chalk the Walk, Theme “What we love about Athlos”
- Griffin BBQ
May 18: Curiosity
- 5th & 6th Grades Wax Museum (10:00 – 11:00 a.m.) & Fly-Up Day (1:30 – 3:05 p.m.)
May 19: Focus & Self Control
- Stretching & breathing exercises – 5th Grade Pizza & Puberty (during lunch/lunch recess)
May 22: Leadership
- Student Council Videos and Voting
May 23: Grit
- STEAM Day/Recycle Art
May 24: Energy & Zest
- Day of Dance (during Athletic Movement)
May 25: Humility
- Community Service Day & Letter Writing to Frontline Workers
May 26: Integrity
- Kindergarten Promotion (9:00 – 10:00 a.m.)
- Scholastic Recognition Assembly (times to be determined)
May 30: All Traits Highlighted
- Field Day (times to be determined)
May 31: Initiative
- Posters for the Herriman High School Grad Parade
- 9th Grade Promotion & Clap Out
June 1: Social Intelligence
- Herriman High School Grad Parade (9:30 a.m.)