Student Spotlight – Tytan

Image of student Tytan S grade 3

Tytan Sand, Grade 3

Tytan loves math and reading. Outside of school he likes to play baseball. His favorite Performance Character Trait is creativity.

Tytan has learned to think outside of the box and come up with new solutions to solve problems thanks to the Prepared Mind Pillar. He also learned more about new sports and improved his abiltites for sports he currently plays. This supports the Healthy Body Pillar.

Keep up the terrific work Tytan!

(Fun Fact: Tytan drives a race car and has won quite a few races).

We will feature Student Spotlights throughout the school year with photos and first names on our website, social media and emails. If you would like to participate, please complete this form and email a photo of your child to

Help us celebrate the reason we are all at Athlos – our Amazing Athlos students! Thank you for participating, and a special thanks to Tytan and his family.

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