- Tip #1: Go to the library or sign up online for the summer reading program-https://www.slcolibrary.org/summer-reading/srp
- Tip #2: Read with your kids every single day. Encourage your kids to read to you everyday. Talk enthusiastically about books you’re reading. Research shows that one of the greatest indicators or children’s literacy success is having role models and guardians who show they value reading.
- Tip #3: It’s not all about books! Have your child read and write recipes, scavenger hunts, treasure maps, “how-to” articles, travel brochures, song lyrics, game directions… the list goes on and on. Create a literate environment! Place interesting reading material everywhere.
- Tip #4: Engage in conversations with your kids. Expose them to vocabulary in a natural and organic way.
- Tip #5: Make sure they have a quiet space to practice writing…plus a journal and cool tools, chalkboard and chalk, whiteboard and markers, and magnetic letters. Play Hangman, Scrabble, etc. Do Madlibs.
- Tip #6: A few ideas for writing ( depending on the grade level): have a topic jar to choose from letting them create it if possible, write a daily diary entry, create lists/ itinerary for a Summer trip, write weekly shopping lists, and write snail mail and send them to friends and family, write an email to a grandparent, write a book review for the public library.
- Tip #7: Go to museums, the zoo, and other fun places and talk about what you are seeing. Build oral language and experiences for background knowledge.
- Tip #8: Read in lots of genres and see how it all feels. Summer is a great time to settle into interests and discover new things about reading likes/dislikes.
- Tip #9: Check out this link to free decodables and keep kids reading: https://literacylearn.com/free-decodable-readers/ or https://portal.flyleafpublishing.com/instructional-resources/?fbclid=IwAR2JDg64M48s_z8MfHaAEQ4mIWolEeA2Y-im0KHTCMtrRVZQ6JnuSB369jw or Fly Lead Publishing-Free Decodables https://portal.flyleafpublishing.com/learners-resources/
- Tip #10: Tell the oral folk tales of your native country, in your native language, as bedtime stories, or tell them funny stories about your own childhood. They love hearing stories about their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles from childhood. And they acquire a bit of background knowledge about how life and the world were different and how it has changed.
- PBS Kids-http://pbskids.org/
- ABCya-http://www.abcya.com/lightbot.htm
- Enchanted Learning-http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/states/colorado/
- Word Wall-https://wordwall.net/community
- Epic!-https://www.getepic.com/
- Madlibs-http://www.funbrain.com/
- Newsela-https://newsela.com/
- Find Book Levels
- http://www.arbookfind.com/UserType.aspx
- http://www.scholastic.com/bookwizard/
- Rev created free Grade Level Must-Read summer book lists and challenges. There is also a blog for parents about inspiring summer reading. https://readingrev.com/blog/
All of our calendars combined into one for easy viewing